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NAD+ infusion

Revitalize NAD+

NAD+ Infusion

NAD+ Infusions – Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a naturally occurring so-called “helper molecule,” a co-enzyme of niacin (Vitamin B3) that helps cells in our bodies produce energy.


Amino Acids

These are the building blocks of proteins and help to support cellular function and repair.

Vitamin C

Critical for NAD+ infusions, Vitamin C supports cellular rejuvenation, immune function, and antioxidant defense, promoting overall vitality and wellness.

B Vitamins

Essential for energy production, B vitamins enhance cellular function and contribute to a more balanced and revitalized state.


Integral to NAD+ infusions, magnesium supports cellular function, aiding in energy production and optimizing detoxification pathways for rejuvenation..


Antioxidants play a role in supporting the immune system, which is crucial for overall health and the body’s ability to fight off infections and illnesses.


Known as the body’s master antioxidant, glutathione plays a crucial role in detoxification by neutralizing harmful free radicals.

New York Health & Welllness

Benefits Of NAD+ Infusions

Benefits #1

Anti-aging potential, NAD+ is linked to various anti-aging mechanisms, including its involvement in DNA repair and maintenance.

Benefits #2

Neurological health, NAD+ is implicated in maintaining the health of neurons and supporting cognitive function.

Benefits #3

Cellular repair and longevity, NAD+ is involved in the activation of sirloins, which are a class of proteins associated with cellular repair and longevity.

How to prepare

Bring a favorite book, magazine, music, a crossword puzzle or another hobby to help pass the time and keep your mind occupied.

How it is

The infusion time is customized to each patient. To make your experience more comfortable, we offer a reclining chair.

Nice to know

Many patients feel that their cognitive function improves after treatment, increasing mental sharpness.


Frequently Asked Questions

NAD+ helps the body function at the molecular level, assisting in DNA repair, cellular respiration, and other beneficial activities. NAD+ IV infusions are a direct way to speed up that process and get the most from this nutrient. IV infusions increase NAD+ effectiveness, versus pills that may absorb more of the nutrient in the digestive tract.

Some patients undergo infusions daily for 4 to 10 days, depending on their health goals. Oftentimes, patients need 6 to 10 infusions every two weeks to gain maximum benefit. We then recommend a maintenance regimen or booster treatment every 6 to 8 weeks. Our Parikh Wellness Care treatment team creates a personalized plan and treatment schedule that works best for patients.

Since NAD+ infusion treatment does not have lasting amnesiac or psychoactive effects, it’s safe to drive home afterward.