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Energy Boost Infusion

Refresh Energy Boost

Energy Boost Infusion

From busy moms on the go to athletes trying to stay in the game, the energy boost infusion supports an active lifestyle.


Vitamin C

A powerful immune system booster, vitamin C supports the body’s ability to eliminate toxins and promotes overall health.

Calcium Gluconate

Known as the body’s master antioxidant, glutathione plays a crucial role in detoxification by neutralizing harmful free radicals.

B Vitamins

Essential for energy production, B vitamins enhance cellular function and contribute to a more balanced and revitalized state.


Crucial for detoxification, magnesium supports muscle, nerve function, relaxation, and antioxidant activity for a revitalized body.

Hydroxocobalamin, Niacinamide, Riboflavin

Powering energy infusions, Hydroxocobalamin, Niacinamide, and Riboflavin-5-Phosphate Sodium ignite cellular metabolism, fueling vitality and rejuvenation.

Hydration Fluids

Critical for hydration, electrolyte fluids restore minerals, bolster cell function, and optimize hydration levels for peak well-being.

New York Health & Welllness

Benefits Of Energy Boost Infusions

Benefits #1

Rapid Energy Restoration: Our energy boost infusions quickly replenish essential nutrients in the body.

Benefits #2

Boost in Physical Performance and Recovery: Our energy boost infusions help to enhance performance and expedite recovery.

Benefits #3

Quick and Direct Absorption: Intravenous administration allows for the direct delivery of the energy-boosting nutrients and fluids into the bloodstream.